
Saturday, November 19, 2016

Looking back on the Election

This years election is just crazy. I can't believe that Trump actually one, everyone had predicted Clinton. For me I feel like Trump could be ok or crash and burn and nowhere in between. As seen in Glendale blog we have to give him a chance. Although I say this though my teeth cause I absolutely hate everything about Donald Trump, expect for his stance on marijuana. This just goes to show that the US is unhappy with the political situation right now and they want a more racist Ronald Reagan. Hopefully this will only last 4 years and hopefully this is not a huge dramatic change from Obama, but I have a feeling it will be. As the famous Micheal Moore once said "It is the final stand of the Angry White man," I believe this to be true . I also believe that if the DNC nominated Bernie Sanders instead of Hillary Clinton it would have been an entirely different election. Overall no matter what we will have Donald racist, sexist, money grabber Trump as our next President. As much as I hate that fact I don't have a choice. If you disagree with me or want to give your own opinion in the comments section below. Looking forward to seeing what you guy say, Jeremy Cleghorn.

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